Sunday, May 31, 2009


Don't really feel much like typing right now so I'm going to make this short. I felt sick most of the day. I had Zach and Ashley over. They spent the night I'm hoping I'll feel better tomorrow so I can take them to the library. But today we just kinda hung out here I showed Ashley some videos and stuff. Got some snakes etc etc. My cat rogue wanted some attention today. Not that its any surprise he always does. But anyway, so I took a picture of him. And that's my car in the background. And the horse in the picture I've had for a long time. But I really like it so yeah.. I took a picture of it. Especially since I finally was able to help Patty get his favorite mount in game today, the white hawkstrider. So we both just kinda bummed around Dalaran on our favorite mounts. Now I'm going to read a bit and go to bed.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Night at the Museum

Today I played world of warcraft with Patty most of the day. We leveled our pallies. I found out I lost on the graphic design contest. I was pretty upset. But apparently out of hundreds of entries one of my banners was at least mentioned. I was still pretty bummed though. But Patty made me feel better. He bought tons of twink stuff in game for my new warrior twink i'm trying to make. And he is making a shaman healer twink. It was really sweet of him. Then after that I ate dinner with Lori, Kevin and the kids and we went to see Night at the Museum. It was a good movie, I liked it. Came home after that then things kinda went to hell. Not sure whats going to happen in wow right now. The guild is kinda making me mad. Too much drama. I don't play a game for drama. We'll see what happens. But I did get spend alot of time with Val and I always like that! We just sat around on our Death Knight and talked. So thats what I took a picture of, my Death Knight! Gonna go to bed now.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Today I took a walk and took a picture of my street and the sign in front of our house. Then I just talked to Patty alot and texted people alot lol. Patty had off today though, so I kept him company until Amy came to pick me up then I went shopping with her. I saw my ex boyfriend Jimmie at the mall with his finance. It was kinda awkward.

I was a lil late for raid but no biggie. We downed Hodir tonight. It was great. Really annoying fight. But we got it. WITH FROST RESIST GEAR. Gah the whole time Hisana and I were saying to each other "we need frost resist gear." Anyway...we finally did use it and got it down then. IMAGINE THAT.

Second pic is my mechanopeep pet. I'm going to eat strawberry pie and go to bed now.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Freya downed!

Today I went to Waffle House then to the At&t store to buy a car charger. Been running this phone battery down fast lol. Then I went to Hastings to return the movie "The Passangers" it was a good movie with Anne Hathaway. Some mexican guy kept starring at me and following me around Hastings kinda creeped me out so I left fast. He had to be like 40 something. Anyway, then I came home read my book some more and played in wow. I also downloaded some more ringtones. All I made myself lol. Now i'm getting ready to raid. I was suppose to go shopping with Amy tonight but she is sick! Hope she feels better so we can go shopping next week or something. The first pic is my book and the second is my Ammen Vale Lashling flower pet.

EDIT: We downed Freya! Guild first! It was so exciting! My flower pet was the perfect pic to post! Because she is a nature freak with a bunch of flower pets that come out to kill you! Ones that look just like my Ammen Vale Lashling..only bigger lol.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

LG Xenon Blue

Today I went to the library with my sister Amy and my nephews Adam and Daniel. We checked out some books then went to Knights to get some snacks for Amy's church thing. Knights in J-ville is...special. Then we went to Sonic then home. After that I went to Searcy to meet Lori after she got off work. We went to get my brand new LG Xenon Blue phone! Its so cool. Then we went to Chilis where Lori and I both just messed around on our phones lol. After that I came home and chilled for a lil while before going back to Beebe for Wild Catz night. It was fun. We all just sat around drinking coffee and sending each other ringtones. Now i'm going to go watch a movie and go to bed.

Oh and the bottom picture is another one of the new pets I got. Its the pet bombling. Fear him!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lust at first sight

Today I woke up took a shower went to Waffle House to meet Lori, Ashley and Zach. Then we went bowling. It was fun, Ashley won lol. She got a strike without bumper guards too. Pretty impressive. After that I went to hastings. I met the most amazing guy. And by amazing I mean hot. He had shaggy brown and blonde hair. Really grunge and rugged looking. He had a lip ring and tattoos. He had a beanie hat on and his hair was still long and messy enough to stick out of it. He had baggy jeans and a only semi tight t-shirt. And he had brown eyes. He was pretty much perfect to look at. I talked to him too, or rather he talked to me. When he first saw me he said "woah" outloud then pretended like he didnt say it. Then everytime I went to look at something like a CD or book he would randomly show up next to me looking at something. I kept wanting to say something but I didn't know what to say. But apparently he was just as shy. But he finally talked to me. Anyway, nothing will come of this i'm sure but he sure was fun to look at! =P

After that I went to some At&t stores to look at phones but it doesn't matter because I'm getting a phone with my sister Lori's plan now! Woot! I am about to raid now so I have to cut this short. But before I go I must say. In wow today I got FOUR new pets. The second picture is just one. His name is Lil' Smoky for obvious reasons. I'll show the others later. But I now have 90 friggin pets! Woohoo!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Kirk is hot

So I went to Burger King for lunch today and got a Star Trek glass. It has Kirk on it and he is hot. I might actually see the movie now just for that. Not that I wouldn't have seen it anyway but all the more reason to. So now every time I drink out of it, I cross my eyes trying to look at him. But anyway.. I read a lot of my book today and messed around in wow. I dropped herbalism and picked up engineering so I can get the two pets from it. But I'm still in the process of leveling it. I'll pick up herbalism again after I get the pets though. I'll take a picture of them when I get them. In the meantime, the bottom picture is another one of my banners i turned in for the contest. But anyway, Val hasn't got online yet and neither has Hisana. And Patty just left. So I'm bored and going to go read more of my book and maybe watch a movie. Tell next time.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


All I have done all day is work on my ad-it-up contest so I could make the deadline which was a few mins ago. And I made it. But I doubt I'll win. Guess that's okay. If I win then great if not then maybe next time..if there is one. I did my best though I think. The first picture is a picture of my computer, (her name is Bella, yes I named my computer) the second picture is one of the ads I turned in tonight. Its my favorite I think. Other than that I spent the day worrying about Patty and trying to help him out. His dog got sick so I googled an emergency vet clinic in his area for him. And he was able to get a ride from his friend. Hope everything turns out okay. With everything with his dad its the last thing he needs.. I went to hastings today too when I needed a break from graphic design. I rented some movies that I probably just won't watch tonight. Too stressed. Gonna go eat something now. Haven't had anything to eat all day.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm kind of a big deal

Today I wasn't on wow at all. I woke up, got ready, Lori came over, we went out to eat at TGI Friday's for lunch. Then we went to the dollar movies. We saw Taken, with Liam Neeson. I logve Liam Neeson and it was a really good movie. Then we went to the liquor store and got some liquor for Lori's party thing tonight. Then we went to her house and cleaned her house a bit. Then we watched Anchorman because Lori hadn't ever seen it, while eating Taco Bell for dinner. Then we played poker and stuff. Fun times.. Now i'm sleepy night.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Reward if found

Today i've been working on my graphic design project all day. While taking a few breaks in between to read my Kurt Cobain journals book. Kurt Cobain is my hero seriously. Which is crazy because I just don't normally look up to famous people. But I can really relate to him. He has so much passion and emotion. He feels so deeply and is so sensative. I don't know that might seem weird. Especially since he is dead. Maybe its just the whole I listened to him so much with Emily when we were younger. And I've just looked up to him for so long. I don't know. Either way, Kurt Cobain is awesome. The second picture is just an idea for my graphic design thing. Still working it out. Gotta love Peanut the ephalent though.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I went to the library today and got a library card for J-ville. So now I can go there and check out books with the kids this summer. I checked out the book The Golden Compass. Can't wait to read it. I've been working (or trying to work) all day on this graphic design contest. I have to have it done and turned in before monday. And so far I can't come up with any really great ideas. The picture on the bottom is just one of my ideas that I'm still kinda working on.. I don't know. I hate it. Its too plain and boring and too much text. Its driving me crazy. Or as Lori would say- DRIVIN ME NUTS! /shakes fist

In other news, I forgot to take a picture at the library. So instead I took a picture of my car keys. And the new library card on my car keys. Woot. Can't wait for raid tonight at 10. I need a break from this stupid contest. Its really pathetic that this is the billionth graphic design contest I've entered and I've never won a single one. And I'm suppose to be a graphic design artist. Note: This is a dramatization I have not entered a billion graphic design contests. But also note I still haven't won any. DRIVIN ME NUTS! /shakes fist

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Icecrown: The Final Goal

Went to Chili's today for lunch. Then went to Amy's house to celebrate her birthday. We all had coffee and cheesecake. Then I came home and played wow with Val. I'm finally done with all the quests in Icecrown. And got the achievement Icecrown: The Final Goal and I got Loremaster of Northrend. Finally. Today I wore my new Superman shirt. For a little boys shirt it sure looks cute. And it brings out the blue in my eyes! I'm going to go eat oreos and drink milk then go to bed now I guess.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy birthday Amy

Today was my sister Amy's birthday. Happy birthday, Amy! My sister Lori and I took her to Olive Garden for lunch to celebrate. Mmmm it was good. We were so full after. Then we went shopping. Lori had to get some clothes for the kids. After that we went home and they left then mom decided she wanted to go somewhere because she hadn't gotten to get out. So we went to the mall AGAIN and just kinda messed around. I ended buying some hairbows from hottopic and a superman t-shirt..that's actually a little boys t-shirt. Then when I came home and downloaded the patch for wow, I had THIS little guy in my mailbox! FINALLY! After like 2 months of waiting...Murkimus the Gladiator is mine! And he is sooo friggin cute. He makes cute noises too. I love him! Now i'm going to go read my Kurt Cobain Journal book for a little while before I start raiding at 10.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Today I went to Amy's house and we packed up all the stuff from the garage sale and took it to goodwill. I also went to ASU college and looked into the ged program. I don't know if i'll be doing that anytime soon though. Then I came home and played wow and took a walk. The picture of the day is a picture of the prim roses that are growing on the sides of our road. Heck, even right out on the road. I think they are really pretty. I love summer!! Raid kinda sucked tonight. But anytime I get with my friends like Val and Patty are fun. Oh and the wow screenshot is my pet Bananas. I've had him for a while now but I had him out all day today. He looks pretty funny next to my huge dino pet. He is so tiny. Okay, I'm tired. I woke up too early today.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lazy sunday

Today I was really lazy. I just played wow and layed around. But its sunday thats what you do on sundays right? I spent alot of my time trying to get people to show up for raid tonight. All just so I could disconnect during the boss fight and miss us kill her..SIGH. Oh well, I felt crappy and wanted it to end anyway. I have a bad migraine and a bad fever. And I have to get up early tomorrow so I'm going to bed now after I drink this milk. Oh, the wow screenshot I took is me as a bunny. Everytime Val turns me into a bunny now I have to go sit on that plate of cookies and cupcakes. It just looks so funny and cute. Anyway, keep praying for Patty.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Garage sale aka fail sale

I had one hour sleep last night maybe less. Then I woke up and went to help my sisters with a garage sale, when it had just stormed. And it was still raining off and on all day. We made SOME money but not enough so looks like we will be doing that again later this week. Stupid rain keeps ruining everything it needs to just stop for the next several months. That was most of my day right there but we also went shopping. My picture of the day is my niece Ashley, my sister Amy, and my nephew Zachary. They got their hair cut today. I think they look great. And yes, we are in the middle of Wal-Mart. Right before we went to Starbucks. I'm totally exhausted right now and I have to raid too. After that though I should probably go to bed.

Apparently, I'm totally and completely negative. Guess I should work on that or something.

Oh, the picture in wow is my new pet. Its a lil bear cub. Isn't he so cute?? I need to name him.

Friday, May 15, 2009

All dressed up and nowhere to go

Today was disappointing. My plans were totally crushed. It sucked. I saved up alot of money for today. Just so I could do nothing. So, I went to hastings and bought this nirvana bag i've been wanting. It matched the outfit I wore today too. Yeah, all dressed up for nothing, cool huh? I did get a cool bag out of it though and I went out to eat and now i'm at my sister Lori's house and we are about to get ready for the garage sale tomorrow. Its 11:30 normally I'd be at raid right now. Wonder if its going good for them. By the way, anybody reading this pray for Patty and his family, thanks.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

<3 Val

Today I got a box from Val!! It was a box full of Star Wars toys and some legos!! I love it, its so great. I've been playing with them. I'm so happy. Val is the best. Thats pretty much all I did today was clean, work on garage sale stuff for saturday, and play with Star Wars toys. So not much to put here. I did pretty much finish Amy's blog though. I think finishing it also brought me alot of closure so thats cool. I got a new mount today in wow its a war tiger, in the bottom picture. I'm getting up early tomorrow and go to Conway with Alan. Should be interesting..

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wild Catz night

Today I organized my room a bit more. Its becoming a really slow process. Worked on Amy's blog some more. Almost done with it I think. Then I went to Amy's church to see Adam get his Awana award. He was so cute on stage! Thats him in the first pic cheesing it up for me. Isn't he so cute?! The second picture was right after I decided to go to the store to get a soda. I looked out my side mirror before I started to drive out, and thats what I saw. I thought it looked so pretty I had to take a picture. It was perfect. The sun setting, a carnival farris wheel in the background. Its one of those rare pictures that you can look at and think "life is simple and good."

After that I went to my first Wild Catz night at my friend Angela's house. My sisters Amy and Lori were both there too of course. It was great. I'm going to start going every wed I think. It was fun to just sit there and talk or sit there and listen to everybody else talk and just catch up on everybody. And drink coffee of course. It wouldn't be a girl thing if we didn't have coffee or chocolate. I actually just got home and its 12:37 but i'm changing the time on this to before midnight so its not written on the 14th. Because well..I'm anal. Shut up. But today I put two real life pictures and no wow pictures, because I was only one wow for a short time today. But I did a lot of real life stuff. Some days it will just be like this. And I'm completely okay with that.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stupid memory card

Today I felt really sick. So I took a nap. Then I went to the new J-ville public library. Its really nice I like it there. I see a lot of visits to it in the future with my nephews and nieces. They even have graphic novels and comic books you can check out. Now that's a cool library. After that mom and I went to the new china restaurant. I had sushi for the second time in my life. Mmm still good to me. My fortune cookie said "You will find what you search for is already in your hand." Which was ironically true because my keys were in my hand! Then we came home and I got on wow and wasted time until raid at 10. I also made some croissants with chocolate chips in them so I had a snack while I was raiding. Thats what my picture is of in case you were wondering what the heck it was. It might not look that good but it was dang good. I would have taken a better picture but today while I was out..I realized I brought my camera but forgot my stupid memory card. LAME.

In ulduar some gloves dropped that I won, woot! Oh, and the screenshot of wow. That is the Lich King. He is the bad guy in this expansion. And I can't wait to kill him. He is truely evil. Which is too bad because when he was a good guy he was hot.. Anywho, he has cool gear. Maybe I can steal it after I kill him.

Monday, May 11, 2009


I did pretty much nothing today in real life. I spent alot of time in wow. Getting frustrated by some stupid achievement I didnt even get. And getting annoyed by some people in guild. GOOD TIMES. Which is why I logged and went driving. I went to McDonalds. What 21 year old do you know that actually gets happy when they have a happy meal? Not many right? Anyway, the picture from today was taking while I was driving down the street from my house. Was driving with my window down and took the picture WHILE KEEPING MY EYES ON THE ROAD. So chill out Val, I know you're reading this and worrying. I especially like that its not blurry even though i was going 40mph.

I'm going to go back to organizing my room and again tomorrow. My plan is to be done by thursday. The picture in wow was takin while I was flyin around doin dailies on one of my dragons. The sun looked pretty setting. All in all today kinda sucked. I hope I find something more exciting to do tomorrow.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Change for life

I drove to Amy's church today to help hand out these baby bottles to raise money for the local women's pregnancy crisis center. I'm thinking about volunteering there this summer. But I'm also going to be babysitting for Zach and Ashley this summer too. So I don't know. I've had my license for a week and today was the first day I drove by myself haha. It was fun to be driving around by myself with the music blasting all legal and what not. I went to sonic TWICE today.. /sigh long story. Spent time with the family all day. Worked on Amy's blog, still trying to work on the layout. I'm not likin it so far. Gettin frustrated. Some other stuff happened that I don't wanna talk about. All in all it was a good day though. Kinda like that half full half empty thing, I could say its good or bad. But i'll choose to say its good. Besides, I had alot of fun with Amy, John and the kids today that out weighs all the crap from today.

I got new gear in world of warcraft and finally got it all enchanted and pretty. I look pretty cool next to my Squire if I do say so myself.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Argh a pirates life for me!

I was still feeling sick today so I didn't do too much. Even when I was in world of warcraft I was just standing around in my pirate outfit lookin all cool and what have you. I was trying to decide if I should respec my toon and I still haven't come to a conclusion. I did respec my pet though. Anyway, blah blah. Thats pretty much it. I've been listening to Nirvana all day. Nothing like Kurt Cobain to make you feel better. My picture today is what I was wearing today. Been runnin around the house in my striped stockings, and went outside to get the mail and saw a HUGE copperhead snake curled up in front of the mailbox. I was going to take a picture of it but by the time I went inside to get my camera and came back out it was gone. Guess he was just passing through. Or maybe he forgot where his mailbox was. /shrug

I'm going to rock out to some rock band now before raid tonight. Sing some nirvana, or rather scream to it. Ohhhhh yeah!

Friday, May 8, 2009


I've been sick today. Sneezing, coughing, sore throat, headache etc. So I've just been in bed most of the day and when I wasn't in bed I was playing world of warcraft. So my picture today is just my water bottle that I've been drinking non stop out of. Yeah, exciting, I know. I also included a world of warcraft screenshot. Because unlike most people I have a real life and a gaming life. Gamer girl ftw! For you non wow players ftw means for the win. Losers! Anyway, so the bottom screenshot is a picture of my orphan, her name is Dornaa. Every year sometime in May they have Children's Week. When you get to adopt an orphan for a week and take them places, buy them ice cream and stuff like that. Today was the last day with my orphan, so sad. Oh well, until next year. The next world of warcraft holiday is Midsummer, around my birthday yay! Hope I get the Midsummer pet for my birthday that would be awesome!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kidz bop blows

Amy came over today and we put together a Cd/Dvd shelf thing I got. We also went to Sonic and Hastings so I could get mom's mother's day gift. I got a happy meal from McDonalds too, it came with a crappy Kidz Bop CD that we made fun of. The picture I took today was on the way home when we had to stop for a train. It made for a cool picture. I had a lot of fun today. I also gave my nephew Adam my old camera. I hope he likes it, and takes great pictures with it!

Amy and I also talked about maybe sponsoring a child. But we both kept arguing over which kid. She liked one and I liked a different one lol.

At raid tonight in Ulduar we got a guild first boss kill. And he dropped a staff that I won! Woot! And with that exciting news said. I'm going to bed. I feel horrible. Been sneezing and coughing for the past 3 hours. So yeah..the moral of this blog is.. Kidz Bop blows.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hastings, movies and pizzah!

Today was pretty simple and kinda boring. I played world of warcraft some. Then I went to Hastings, rented a couple of movies. Made of Honor and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Then I went to Papa John's next door to Hastings and got some pizza and cheese sticks mmmm. Then I got a coke slushy and went home. Played warcraft some more then watched Made of Honor. It was okay. I think mom liked it more than I did though.

So yeah even though my picture today is just of Hastings. I spend alot of my days at this place. I love this place. When Cynthia and I were 12 years old we would go here all the time. We wanted to work there when we grew up. That was back in the day when it was small and had free coffee. If this place ever shut down or caught on fire or something random, I would cry. Its like part of my childhood.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I got my license today. The picture is actually okay. I just look sleepy which I was and kinda mad maybe which I was. And I have a dimple from my smile, kinda annoying but oh well. I look kinda mad because the lady spelled my name wrong, she spelled it Karener. So then I had to do it all over again. Take the picture again sign it again everything, lame. After that mom and I went to Waffle House. I saw this boy I used to go to school with get arrested today. He used to make fun of me and trip me and make me drop all my stuff. So ha karma is a bitch. Then I went to my nephew's band concert. He looked so cute with his lil Clarinet. Awww. After Lori, Kevin, Zach, Ashley, Mom and I went to Waffle House for chocolate pie mmm. Yeah I went to Waffle House twice today. Wanna fight about it? Now I'm on my way to raiding Ulduar in world of warcraft again. Woot.