Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Movie night

Spent a few mins with Amy and the kids today. Then I had to leave to go to Angela's for a movie night. We watched Twilight together it was fun. Though getting to Beebe was pretty annoying. Mom used my car today and failed to fill it up with gas. I had to leave late to help with the kids before I left. So I was running late and it started storming. And then RIGHT when I get out of Cabot my fuel light comes on. I barely made it to Beebe and to the gas station. At one point I couldnt even see the cars in front of me it was raining so hard. I had to go pretty slow there toward the end I was slightly worried. But I made it and then I had to go to the movie gallery and rent the movies. I was pretty late when I finally got to Angela's. And I was wet. Good times. Other than that though it was great! About to raid now and i'm feeling bleh again so I'm going to end with that. And only one pick for today. You'll get over it.

Monday, June 29, 2009


So my pictures.. The first picture I can relate to everything Bella is saying. In fact I think I have said something along those lines before, just less poetic. The second one, I like it because through half of this book you didn't hear Edward's name again since he left. Because it hurt her so bad to say it or think it or hear it. And I can relate to that too. And when I finally read his name on that page for the first time since the beginning of the book, I could almost feel what she was feeling it was crazy. The third picture I just like that she honestly thought she was about to die and all she could think about then was saying his name over and over and saying she loved him. I can relate to all three of those things so well.

As for the last picture... I GOT MY SCORCHLING PET!!! Thanks to Patty, Val, Crom and Kehen! They all passed for me. <3 Isn't he so cute? I love him!

Anyway, I messed around with the pool today it was tiring. Talked to people in texts all day. Read on and off all day. Played the wii for a bit. Watched tv for a bit. Patty called me. Blah blah thats about it boring day. Tomorrow I see Amy and Angela. PEACE OUT CUB SCOUT!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Today was interesting to say the very least! I woke up to the bottom picture. It was really randomly sweet. Almost as if Patty knew what was on my mind. I even thought I was dreaming for a minute because I had just woken up. Amy and John and the kids were here today. Got to spend some time with Amy. We went to Wal-mart. Bought the kids and me a transformers lol! The transformer I got used to be my favorite in the cartoon when I was younger. Sideswipe is his name. He used to be blue and red. Now he is silver! In fact he looks like a Silver Volvo!!! If you don't get it its a reference to Twilight. Same car Edward drives. IRONY! Anyway, I also spent some time with Patty in game. He was playing Sims 3 alot today. I told him I really wanted to buy it because he wouldn't stop talking about it. Then before he went to bed he randomly told me he bought it for me and i'd get it in a couple of days then logged! I can't even begin to explain my surprise. I love Patty... Anyway, I talked to Angela on the phone tonight too. Marq is just as confusing as Patty lol. I'm going over early on wed night to watch the Twilight movie with Angela. I'm glad I can drive now and have my own cell phone too. It makes it easier for me to get closer to people, even people like Angela that i've known forever.

Oh and Norm has been texting me today. He invited me to go to the Zoo with him tomorrow. I don't know if I will or not but either way it was sweet. And the picture is a picture of a really smell cake shaped like a doggie that my mom got me for my birthday but had it in the freezer and forgot to give it to me ON my birthday lol. Its really cute and even more delicious despite the fact it looked too cute to eat. Today has been so great. Confusing slightly. But when am I not confused? Time to read more Twilight and go to bed. Still dazzled by Patty's sweetness. Can't believe he bought me a $50 gift just randomly to make me happy.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Why be Norm...al

Today I only slept for like two hours. I spent all night at a party at Lori's house and met a nice guy named Norm. We went to waffle house at 5 in the morning for breakfast. Then we went home and I got two hours sleep. Then we woke up and got ready, watched some tv then picked up Angela hung out for a while before going to the movies to see Transformers. It was really good. Alot more vulgar than I would have thought but still really awesome. There was alot of parts that were necessary. But most were funny unnecessary. Except for the few disturbing ones lol. Then we went to Chilis YUM! I talked to Norm through text messages today a bit too. And I got on and talked to Patty for a lil while. And Valy! Talked to him alot yay! Great day. I know that Lori was really tired today and she still went to the movies and to Chilis with me. And I know that Amy really didn't feel comfortable leaving the boys with mom but she still did it for me! And Angela she had Marq at her house in her bed, and she left anyway saying that I was more important to her. I'm glad I have such great sisters!

The pictures I took today are of what I wore today. My brand new Nirvana shirt. With my brand new skinny jeans. Those jeans are so friggin tight they are awesome! Lori and Angela said I have really nice butt in them lol. And they look really artistic and grunge. With splattered paint and holes. And of course what could be more awesome than a Nirvana shirt? Oh I know, a Nirvana shirt with a picture of ALL three band members PLUS Kurt Cobain in his legendary sunglasses that I LOVE. And have a pair of! That go awesomely with this outfit! Seriously whats not to love?!..........Other than your face.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Haven't touched New Moon since last night. Been too nervous about the party all day. Played wow for a bit and rock band for a bit. Bleh! For the first time ever in my life today, one of my eyes was blue and one was green. WEIRD! I'm raiding right now. We just downed the first boss and BARELY got heroic shutout. I saw the pet drop again today. Crom won it with a 99 while I rolled a 20 something. Sigh! I'll get it eventually maybe. Back to raiding then off to the party. /shiver

Thursday, June 25, 2009

New moon

Today I returned Twilight to the library. Thanks to Angela last night I didn't have to bother looking aimlessly through the library for the second one. I went to McDonald's after and got a happy meal so I would have something for the day in my tummy. I then went home and got a huge soda and a bottle of water in perperation for a long day of reading. However, that wasn't the case. After chapter two I became upset and angry with the book. I took a break for a while running around on my hunter in wow doing nothing. Finally bordom took over and I decided that maybe it would get better. Too bad I was mistaken. I went back to reading and made it to chapter 6, keep in mind by "made it" I mean I cried the whole way there. After that I was done. I have continued to be done all night.

I just finished raiding. We got Hodir down and lost a roll for the dps cloak that finally dropped. Now we are about to do Ahune for my scorchling pet. IF it even drops I have no doubt I will lose that too. I can't remember the last time I rolled a number with two digits. Sigh. Bad luck I guess.

After Ahune i'll have to decide if I want to continue to read some more of that depressing new moon book or just go to bed. I knew as soon as Edward broke up with Bella the SAME EXACT DAY that Patty and I broke up, it was a bad sign. Sigh..

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I read this book within 24 hours. I could say I've never been so engrossed in a book before, but that would be a lie. The truth is, I've never related to a book as much as I relate to this one. I know what you're thinking. A vampire book? How is that? But the main character Bella, she is like me in too many ways to explain. In ways that are bad and in ways that are good. This book has made me figure out things about myself. It has even in some weird way given me some confidence I think. Its strange how a book could make such changes in me. Weird would be a good word. I know I have a weird trait that most don't. I've known that for a while, Val calls it, feeling the world deeply. Which might explain why while reading some of this book I would start sweating, or need to use my inhaler, or my heart would beat fast, or I would blush a warm blush all over my body. Its something I can't imagine many feeling while doing something as simple as reading. And I will admit that I have had books make me cry before or sweat even. But I have never felt so many emotions in one book before. Its more than just feeling the world deeply with this book. Its because I really feel I'm so much like Bella that I could feel what she was feeling. Like I said weird. There was only a few parts were I felt that something she did I would have done differently.

Even Edward, her love interest in the book, describes nearly everything I want in a guy. And her reactions to him are the same reactions I have toward any and every guy I am or have been interested in. I couldn't help but feel that this a book, maybe this series, is something I would only find once in a life time. Its almost as if some future version of myself wrote this book for me now, full of clues and..incentive..seems to be a fitting word maybe.

Or I might just be going insane. Who knows? Anybody who reads this might think that. And maybe that's true. I'm different its true. So most who are boring and typical would for sure read this and think such things. Good thing MOST my friends aren't boring and typical. Besides, why would I want to be normal anyway? But even if I'm going insane. I'm going to go insane while finishing this series. And finishing my self reflection these books seem to bring.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Caleb's 1 year

Read Twilight all day pretty much. Went to Amy's house for my lil nephew's birthday. Caleb is now one year old! Isn't he so cute? I also texted Val all day. Bothering him during work I'm sure. Then we raided at 10. It was a hard raid. Just bad luck I guess I don't know.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Had to get a new tire for my car today. It was 103 degrees outside today. I had alot of soda today. I only ate french toast today. I read alot of twilight today. I turned in my bottles to the pregnancy crisis center today. I saw the scorchling pet drop today. I rolled a 3 today. I like putting the word today at the end of my random sentances today. I'm not in a good mood today. And yet I am in a good mood today. I'm moody today. I wish had taken a nap today.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fire Festival

I guess most people would take a picture of their dad today. I'm not like most people though. I've felt really bleh all day. Today was the first day of the fire festival in wow. Its kinda like a fourth of july event/summer event. Its always right after my birthday and its one of my favorite holidays in wow. I did all the achievements today. I hope I can get the pet too. I really want it but I doubt that will happen. I took a picture of my Nirvana picture today, because I got it the other day in the mail and forgot to take a picture of it. Its in protective plastic until I can frame it. I think i'm going to go read some then drug myself and go to bed. I still feel really bleh.. Might go to the doctor tomorrow. =/

Saturday, June 20, 2009

God bless you

Lazy day again been feeling sick. Stupid allergies. Took a picture of the medicine thats SUPPOSE to help with my allergies. I blurred it on purpose in case you were wondering. Because thats how I see everything right now. And i've been hearing "God bless you" all day long. Bleh. Anyway, I did raid 25 man ulduar tonight though. It was fun but I'm slightly frustrated that two things I could have used (including a bow) dropped and I passed it to the other hunter. Because I figured I should save my dkp for something better like the sword of Iron Council. Then we actually killed Iron Council and it actually dropped. And I lost to a warrior who is tank spec. Who says he rolled on it to help his dps spec. SIGH. Whatever lol. It will drop again. I got the 1000 daily quests complete achievement today. That one was hard! Anyway, gonna talk to Valy then drug myself then go to bed. NIGHT!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hand of an angel

Today I was lazy with Ashley most of the day, while Zach and Mom were out most of the day shopping. I wasn't feeling too good still. Allergies again I guess, or hope. Ashley, Zach and I made a dessert today. We read books for a while then Ashley and I took a nap. Then I took them to their grandparent's house because they were going to spend the night there tonight. Then I went to Amy's house for a while just to visit and give the kids their library bags I have been meaning to give them. Thats were I took my picture. I drew that picture when I was 13, after Todd died. Its suppose to be Todd's hand and Amy's hand. I titled it "Hand of an angel." I always seem to forget about it until I go to Amy's house and see it hanging up. Then I came home and I decided I didn't feel like eating. So I just got on to raid. Raided most of the night it was lots of fun. It was a new alliance run with another guild. Dad's guild actually but dad wasn't online tonight.

Anyway, it just ended a while ago now I think imma relax for a while then go to bed. Or read more Twilight. Oh, and the screenshot of wow is my battlebot with blue game fuel in it. Woot!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tinkerbell, lizards and Jack Sparrow

Today I got up early and went to Lori's house picked up the kids and went straight to the Library. They had people from the museum of discovery come in and talk. They even had a lizard to show the kids. It was actually called something else but I forgot. Anyway, it was fun. Ashley liked it alot and so did Zach. I think Ashley enjoyed it the most. She even raised her hand and asked a question when the lady talked asked for questions. Ashley asked if it had ever biten anybody. The lady said they'd had the animal for 15 years and it has yet to bite anybody. But that was a very good question because they do mash food really well.

After that we came home and Ashley stayed here while mom went grocery shopping. I read to Ashley while they were gone. I read her all of one of her Tinkerbell books. Then I took a nap because I was feeling pretty crappy from allergies and just being over tired. When I woke up we had dinner and Ashley and I watched the Tinkerbell movie that was ironically playing on the Disney channel. Zach had fallen asleep on the sofa. He was way tired. This heat must be getting to us or something. After the movie Zach had woken up and we made a special dessert we had found the recipe for online. It was suppose to chill over night so we just made it and we'll eat it tomorrow. Shortly after that the kids went to bed and now I'm about to raid! Hope we have enough people.

Oh and the first picture is early in the morning on my way to pick up the kids. My Jack Sparrow travel mug with coffee and my cherry pepsi. And my keys that are friggin awesome. The wow screenshot is my red proto-drake mount that I've had for a while. But I love it and I started using it again. When you have as many mounts and pets as I do, old ones become new after a while. Thats one of the best parts about having so many haha!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Animal shelter car wash and wild catz

Went to Lori's house today and watched the kids. We played games and washed my car then went to the J-ville library. They had somebody from the animal shelter come in and talk. They had a really cute doggie there too. It was so sweet. Then we went to my house to pick up some stuff before heading all the way to Searcy to eat at Dixie Cafe and let the kids see there dad. We also stopped by Mazzios to let the kids see their mom. Then we went home and they swam a bit before Lori got home. Lori and I headed over to Wild Catz night. Amy didn't make it because she wasn't feeling good. Hope she is feeling better now though. We had fun. We wrote the kids letters for when they go to camp next week. And we ate some Bri Angela made. Which is like a cheese ball thing thats baked or something I don't know it was good. We also watched really hilarious videos on youtube. This one specifically that Patty sent me at midnight on my birthday. He made me watch it when I turned 22 lol. It was hilarious so ever since i've been making everybody watch it. And they are making their friends watch it. Its going around like crazy. Its awesome. Okay I gotta go to bed so I can get up and do this all over again tomorrow.

I love the kids but i'm going to be glad to have a break! Heh. The first pic btw is my shiny car after we washed it. The second is Ashley and I in our bathing suits. The third Ashley wanted to take. It was really hot sitting on top of my car haha. Then Ashley wanted to do it and she was like "Hey this wasn't a good idea its hot." But she still made me do it but then she wouldn't and it was her idea sigh lol.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

<3 Kirk

So today I just chilled because it was my day off and I needed a break from the kids. That might sound bad but sometimes they can just be a handful. So I relaxed all day. Played wow with Patty for a while lvled my pally and his. Then I took a shower. Bummed around the house a bit. Cleaned out my car. Then Kevin came over and we went to the movies, we met John there. I love celebrating my birthday with a movie with my brother in laws and sisters! Eventually i'll go see The Proposal with my sisters. But tonight we saw Star Trek. Oh my god it was GOOD! Kirk is so hot. And all the parts were played so well. It was great. I want to own it. And i'm a way bigger Star Wars fan than I could ever be a Star Trek fan. Speaking of that, yeah i wore one of my Star Wars shirts to see the movie ahaha! So I had to take pic of it and did the Star Trek hand thing. Live long and prosper. The first pic was actually an accident when I was trying to text Zach during the movie lol. BUT IT LOOKS GREAT RIGHT?! KABOOM!

When I came home I went to the 7:30 raid it just got out and i'm about to start the 10:00 raid lol. Too much raiding tonight can't be doing this all the time. Anyway, the last pic is my oozeling again, I just can't get enough of him he is too cute. Okay I gotta raid and then go to bed after now. Wed is the busiest day because I babysit all day then go to Wild Catz and don't get home till late. And tomorrow night the kids are coming with me to spend the night here. So yeah /sigh. Gonna go dream about Kirk...mmm.. <3>

Monday, June 15, 2009


Today was my birthday. I woke up at 10 and read my twilight book for a while. Then I got on my computer to a bunch of happy birthday's from my friends. Along with alot of text messages from my friends too. And Patty called me on his lunch break to sing to me! <3 My niece Ashley and nephew Zach made me french toast with candles haha. And my nephews Adam and Daniel called me and sang happy birthday to me. I took Zach and Ashley to the library and we signed Adam and Daniel up for the summer reading club. It was so hot today, 98 degrees! After that we went to the Chinese place to grab some take out for dinner. MMMM!! Then we came home and I continued my lazy day by watching t.v. Ashley and I colored some. I went to the Sunwell raid which was pretty fun though also kind of annoying lol. We didn't finish it so that was disappointing but oh well. During the raid I got a call from Cynthia and my sister Kim wishing me a happy birthday. AND! My friend Tim who hasn't had internet in forever. Actually was able to get on and talk to me for my birthday! I hadn't talked to him in ages. And he got a new phone so I was able to add him to my contact list. Now I'll be able to talk to him more often! After the raid Val got on and I only got to talk to him for a minute before I had to leave to bring the kids back home. SIGH. Oh well. So I spent the last hour of my birthday in the car driving home alone lol. Man though Zach was cranky at the end of the day. He is like an old man that has to go to bed early every night and get his 8 hours. So he is like Major. Haha! Ah.. Anyway, it was a really good day. And tomorrow I'm going out with my brother in laws to the movies! WOOT!

The first picture is me in the car at the library. I thought it was funny that I just threw on a pair of holey shorts and a t-shirt and didn't even fix my hair or anything before going out on my birthday haha. The second picture is a picture of the bookmark my nephew's were given. I thought it was hilarious and cheesy. And its on top of my awesome Nirvana bag. I love my Nirvana bag. <3

The wow screenshot is the new Oozeling pet I got today. I bought it with my own gold. It was a present from me to me. I love it! 94 pets and counting!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

WoW baby bottle soda pop

Today I played wow with Patty for a lil while though he was pretty busy. I went to pick up the kids and we got KFC for dinner. And I bought the kids Alliance Mt. Dew. They wouldn't stop bugging me to try it, so I thought why not? But I told them no Horde Mt. Dew in my car. Then we came home and I did the naxx 25 raid. It was interesting.. I got bored during it and I realized I still had the two baby bottle nipples from my baby bottles for the pro life donations. And I took the top part off completely to make it easier to put the change in it. So the top part was all still sterile. So anyway I was bored and i put it on top of my Mt. Dew bottle. Then I realized wow this actually fits perfectly lol. And my niece Ashley was cracking up so then she used the other one for her Mt. Dew. And she named it WoW baby bottle soda pop. (After the candy baby bottle pop.) Anyway, its the most retarded thing but we can't stop laughing about it. For some reason this nipple has ridges on it so they fit perfectly into the ridges on the bottle. My niece said "Its the best invention since candy." Then we both paused and shook our heads. And then she said "Okay almost." Lulz!

The last pic is a screenshot of my new pet I got. That Luxun gave me! Its a sheep but its a sheep that always comes to a sad ending. When you got idle for a while a wolf will randomly show up and kill it then the wolf falls asleep. Lol its depressing. So I don't have it out often. Plus that means everytime it dies I have to resummon it.


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Disney Princesses

Today I woke up took a shower got the kids ready and then Amy and Lori came over for my birthday party. Which was also kinda John's haha. We had a Disney Princess cupcake taira cake. It was fun. Even though we didn't really play games or anything like that. I got alot of cool stuff, a new dress, Nirvana Lights Out boxset, the new killers cd, Twilight the book, a necklace, and in a few days i'll have a hand signed autograph of Nirvana. I got some other cool stuff too. It was real fast because then we had to go to Adam's graduation party. That was fun too. I'm really proud of him. He has grown up alot this year.

Sometime this week Kevin and John are going to go to the movies with me. We are going to see Star Trek. Then when the movie The Proposal comes out Amy, Lori, Angela and I are going to go see that. Best birthday ever much? I'm still kinda bummed that I don't get to see Alan or Cynthia on my birthday or anytime around it. But its still been really great so far!

Anyway, the last picture is my wow screenshot of my new bow I got that a warrior tried to steal from me but failed. The one right before that is my new dress. Before that is the killers CD I got and you can see my Twilight book too and before that is the Nirvana boxset I got. And before that is Adam's graduation cap candies at his party. And then its John and I blowing out our princess cake haha. And the first is a better pic of our cake. And yes I realize I did this backwards and that the pics aren't in order and I don't care. NIGHT!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Cowboys and root beer

Went to Amy's house for a cowboy play date thing today. Then we came home and Mom took Zach and Ashley to Wal-Mart. Then I was home alone during a tornado lol. And they were stuck at Wal-Mart during it. Fun times. Then they came home and we had sketti and meatballs. Oh and we watched some princess movie. It was pretty good for a movie i've never even heard of that we just randomly saw at the movie store. I also have a whole baby bottle filled up with change for the pregnancy crisis center. And i'm working on my second bottle! Now i'm about to raid. If we have enough people /sigh. TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY PARTY! :D